Adoption Fee For Cats
- Spaying or neutering
- Distemper and Rabies vaccines
- Deworming
What is included
in adoption fees for cats.
Cats will generally be seen by a veterinarian. The vet will check the cat’s weight, temperature, and vital signs. They will also examine the cat’s eyes, ears, mouth, skin, coat, chest, abdomen, and joints. Then they will listen to the cat’s heart and lungs with a stethoscope and feel the abdomen to check the organs. The cat will be examined for fleas, mites, and other parasites. Then the vet will administer any needed vaccinations or medicine to protect the cat from common diseases.

Adoption Fee For Dogs
- Spaying or neutering
- Heartworm test if over 6 months
- DAPP vaccination
- Deworming
What is included
in adoption fees for dogs.
Dogs will generally be seen by a veterinarian. The vet will check the dog’s weight, temperature, and vital signs. They will also examine the dog’s eyes, ears, mouth, skin, coat, chest, abdomen, and joints. Then they will listen to the dog’s heart and lungs with a stethoscope and feel the abdomen to check the organs. The dog will be examined for fleas, mites, and other parasites. Then the vet will administer any needed vaccinations or medicine to protect the dog from common diseases.